Discover the Jewish roots of the Last Supper.

We call it a Passover Seder, and now, you can take part.

person holding gold chalice

Unlock the true meaning of the Passion week. Find Jesus the Messiah in the Passover meal. It’s all about the Lamb.

For those in the Central Kentucky region, we will be hosting our own Seder in Wilmore, KY. We put on a full Passover Seder meal with all the elements, and we facilitate this evening to bring depth and meaning to His death and resurrection.

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Join us at the Francis Asbury Society!
1580 Lexington Rd, Wilmore, KY 40390

$40 per person

(Fully catered dinner served at 5:15pm.)


Passover Seder

You are invited to witness the fulfillment of this ancient meal. Hear how Jesus fulfilled this “Feast of Freedom” and see if you can uncover new meaning in your own life!

Imagine observing only half a holiday your entire life, missing either how the story started or how it ended.

Jewish people observe the Passover Seder and never leave the book of Exodus, completely missing the end of the story.

Christians observe Good Friday and Easter, but miss the connection that Last Seder and it’s connection to the Exodus out of Egypt.



What is a Passover Seder?

A Passover Seder may also be known as the Last Supper meal Jesus had with His disciples before His arrest, trial, and crucifixion. We retell the story of this meal and its significance spanning almost 1,500 years before the Israelites made their exodus out of Egypt.

What does the cost cover?

We are asking for $40 per person for the meal. That does not cover all the costs to put on a night like this, but it certainly helps. We are happy to gather with new friends here in Kentucky, and if the cost presents any difficulties whatsoever, please contact us.

What should I wear?

Please come comfortably dressed. We want you to feel at home, to be our guests, and to come without worries. This will be an indoor gathering so there is no need to worry about what the outside weather will be. This is not fancy, but you are invited to come in your Sunday attire.

Do I have to be Jewish to come?

Absolutely not! All are welcome. We have a heart to meet Jewish people in the area, but we literally just moved here and want to meet everyone and make some new friends in Central Kentucky.

What does Seder mean?

It is pronounced, “say-dur.” “Seder” means “order.” It speaks to the order we go through for the night. The order will be spelled out in a book you will receive called a Hagaddah. We’ll teach you how to say that, and a whole bunch of other words at dinner that night.

What can I expect?

First, you will be fed. You will leave filled, both in your heart and your stomach. Arrive just before 4:00pm and we will get started shortly thereafter. There will be a full dinner served at about 5:15pm after some teaching.