Day 1: Is your name written in the book?

This is part of our 10-part series, “Hidden in Plain Sight: Why Christians Should Care About the Jewish High Holy Days.”

As the Days of Awe kick off, we find ourselves on the cusp of a deeply spiritual journey. It's a time to pause and reflect, to account for the year that's been and prepare for the one that's coming. The Jewish tradition teaches that during these Ten days, three books are opened in the heavenly courts: the Book of Life, the Book of Death, and the Book of the In-Between. Each person's fate for the coming year will be inscribed in one of these books based on their deeds. While this may sound intimidating, it's also a beautiful reminder that our actions have consequences - both in this world and the next.

Jewish Practice Today

In modern Judaism, the concept of the three books still holds significant weight. Synagogue services often focus on themes of repentance and reflection, with the sounding of the shofar (ram’s horn) as a wake-up call to the soul. Many people also engage in "Cheshbon HaNefesh," a personal accounting of the soul, evaluating their actions over the past year and seeking ways to improve. This practice isn't just limited to religious texts or prayers; it often extends to reconciling with people they've wronged and making amends in tangible ways. If you have a Jewish friend that you may have had contention with, don’t be surprised if a gesture of reconciliation and forgiveness comes knocking at your door in this season.

Prayer for the Jewish People

Pray that during this period of introspection, Jewish people may discover the fulfillment of this practice in Yeshua, who offers an everlasting inscription in the Lamb's book of life.

Application for Believers

With our names forever penned in the Lamb's book of life (Revelation 21:27), let's also take this time to better align our lives with God's will.

Directed Prayer Point

Lord, help us examine our hearts and see Your love anew, and may our Jewish brothers and sisters recognize Yeshua as their ultimate guide in this journey.


Listen to our Days of Awe podcast for today!

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Day 2: The day of the blowing of trumpets, but why?


Hebrew For Holy Days